

Project maintained by mhanif-82 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Top 10 List of Week 00

  1. Started with github pages
    The first thing i learn is getting started with Github pages. I never use github before so i must learn how to make github pages and it’s pretty easy. Just make github repository and go to setting choose source and theme and click save. Wait a couple minutes sometimes github pages take -+5 mins. Your github page is up

  2. Git-config and basic command
    I have used git before but not github. I used gitab before and it seems they have almost the same command line. One thing that setting up git repository in your compute. Unlike gitlab you have to enter password to be able to push, pull. commit, etc. Gitlab jus required to user config your email and username then ready to go. Unlike gitlab you have to enter you password.
    Sumary git command:
    git init: turn your directory into working git repository
    git add : Adding file that you want to commit
    git commit: Record changes in your local repository
    git push: Push all the commited files to your git repository
    git pull : Get all the changes from your remote repository to your local repository

  3. What is operating system?
    We all already heard of opertaing system and probably have use one also, but what is operating system. Operatin system is software that connect hardware dan user with usually application. Operating system also perform many task such as data management,procces manangment, and handling input and output

  4. Device driver
    Device driver is plug-in of the os that handle and control particular io device. For example conecting generic mouse to a computer the os will have generic driver to connect between mouse and sofware. However sometimes we need more spesific driver for example installing a GPU to a motherboard. Usually the os just gave bare minimum functionality

  5. [Multitasking]
    Multitasking means running multiple programs on the same computer. At least seems like ti but deep down computer switches rapidly between task many times per second. perating system contains a scheduling program which determines how much time each process spends executing, and in which order execution control should be passed to program. Coopertaive multitask is a style of computer multitasking but the opertaring system never initiates to swicth one procces to other, but each process had voluntarily give up control of the CPU.

  6. Pre-emtive multitasking
    Opertaing system can take over control of procces in the CPU. Basicaly interupting a task taht already carried of by computer system, without requiring permission. The advantage of pre-emtive multitasking if there is a proces that not responding. You can just termitae it for example, termitating not respoing program in windows with task manager and don’t have to restart the whole computer.

  7. Memory Manager
    One of the opertaing system job is manage all the system memory that being used in programs. Memory manager ensure that a program doesn’t interfer with memory that already used by other programs. In virtual memory memory manager determines how many pages in the progam and the locate empy page fram in memory in the main memory so it pass all the memory into them.

  8. Process Manager
    Proces Scheduler is in charge making use efficient use of the processor. There are two part to this a job scheduler and process scheduler. A proces can be in 5 states: hold, ready, run, wait and finish. This process will loop until it complete or failed. Hold: holding until signal is called
    Ready: the procces is a signal to continue with the procces
    Running : proccesing the job or program
    Waiting state : Something is not right until have the resourse to run
    Finish: Done or fail
    Procces control block: Identifier and contain basic information about the job. Like Infromation about Recsourse, Main Memory, Register content. etc.

  9. User-Interface
    Usally in this modern time we opertaing system that have User-Interface. Back then a computer use a paper that can give instruction to a computer. now days almost all computer have GUI(graphical user interface). User Interface in operating system allow user to enter and receive information. What i know there’s two type of interfaces the first one is text-based user interface such as linux. The second one is GUI such as windows and OS x