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Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Virtualization

    alt text
    Virtualization in computing term, virtualization is process running a virtual insance of computer in layered abstracted from the hardware. The most common one people use virtualization is to use application meant for different operating system in one computer. Virtualizations layer create a bridge between the same hardware to be utilize with different operating system

  2. Hypervisor
    Hypervisor is a software , firmware or hardware that separates the physical resources from the virtual environment. There is two type of hypervisor the first one is native, hypervisor just run the the hardware machince and can create multiple os. The second one is hosted, hosted hypervisor run on host operation system unlike the native just connect straight to the hardware.

  3. How to change username in linux
    I tried to download debian from the official website but it keep failing to install. So i tried from os website na djust change the username. I want to wipe the data also but i havent learn that yet. Its pretty simple to chnage username in linux just use commad usermod -1 mhanif ckbakadl. That comand replace cbkadal with mhanif basically.

  4. Types of virtualization
    There is actually a bunch of use of virtualization, the only one that I use is Operating system virtualization aka Virtual machine.However there more than that

  5. GNU/Linux Basic
    This is a youtube video that explains Linux terminal basic command.
    pwd: present working directory
    ls: listing file in that directory
    cd: change directory
    mkdir: make directory
    rm : remove file

  6. Vim Basic This is a youtube video that explain how use vim basic in 8 minutes Summary:
    edit a file in vim (v
    im filename.txt || vi filename.txt)
    quit vim (:q) delete a single line with vim (dd)
    delete multiple lines with vim (#dd, e.g. 5dd)
    to undo changes in vim (u)
    redo changes (ctrl-r)
    searching text in vim ( /yourtext + ENTER)
    find and replace text in vim ( :%s/yourtext/replacetext/g (+c))

  7. What is scripting?
    Scripting is plainly defined as a series of commands that are able to be executed without the need for compiling. While all scripting languages are programming languages, not all programming languages are scripting languages.

  8. Programming vs scripting
    I was curios what the difference between programing and scripting. I think this website really explain what is the difference between both of them and give out infromation that I need.

  9. Basic Linux Shell Scripting
    This is a youtube video that explain basic shell scripting in linux Creating a sheel script :
    1.Create a file using a vi editor(or any other editor). Name script file with extension .sh
    2.Start the script with #! /bin/sh
    3.Write some code.
    4.Save the script file as filename.sh
    5.For executing the script type bash filename.sh

  10. Loop in shell script?
    Youtubbe video explain about loop in sheel script
    for example

      for i in 1 2 3 4 5
    echo "Looping ... number $i"


Looping .... number 1
Looping .... number 2
Looping .... number 3
Looping .... number 4
Looping .... number 5


      echo "Looping ... number $i"

almost the same as c lanlanguage the syntax